لكل من يود تركيب سكربت للتورنت


عضو نشيط
16 أكتوبر 2023
وجدت سكربت لعمل موقع تورنت
ويدعم العديد من اللغات
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
جزاك الله خيراً وبارك فيكـ ،،
هنا ايضا سكربت اخر وهو مجاني
يجب عليك تسجيل الدخول او تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي

متطلبات الموقع

- PHP 7.4
- MYSQL 5+ . Do not use mysql 8 or higher
- We do not advise that register_globals is enabled
- We do not advise installation in a windows enviroment, however it will work (you may need to adjust paths)
- It is advised to turn off strict mode in MYSQL before importing the database


1) Copy ALL files to your webserver

2) Import via phpmyadmin "Full Database.sql"

3) Edit the file backend/mysql.php to suit your MYSQL connection

4) Edit the file backend/config.php to suit your needs
- special note should be taken for urls, emails, paths (use check.php if unsure)

5) Remove the following line from config.php: die("You didn't edit your config correctly."); // You MUST remove this line

5) Apply the following CHMOD's
777 - cache/
777 - cache/get_row_count/
777 - cache/queries/
777 - cache/diskcache/
777 - backups/
777 - uploads/
777 - uploads/images/
777 - import/
600 - censor.txt

6) Run check.php from your browser to check you have configured everything ok
check.php is designed for UNIX systems, if you are using WINDOWS it may not report the paths correctly.

7) Now register as a new user on the site. The first user registered will become administrator

8) If check.php still exists, please remove it or rename.
A warning will display on the site index until its removed

9) You should properly secure backup-database.php and the backups dir. (htaccess/htpasswd)
بارك الله فيكِ و جزاكِ كل خير
هل يوجد مثال له ؟
أعلى أسفل