ابراهيم الأفندي
عضو مميز

- إنضم
- 11 فبراير 2021
- المشاركات
- 614
من فضلك قم بتحديث الصفحة لمشاهدة المحتوى المخفي

الحل الأمثل و الأسرع لفحص أجهزة الكومبيوتر و اللابتوب و صيانتها .
توفر العديد من برامج الصيانة و الأنتى فيرس الشهيرة التى تستطيع
من خلالها القضاء على جميع الفيروسات والكشف عن الأخطاء و إصلاحها .
كما تحتوى على أدوات و برامج لفحص و تقسيم الهارد HDD و SDD
و أيضاً أدوات إختبار الذاكرة و معرفة جميع المعلومات عن مكونات الجهاز .
يمكنك حرق الأسطوانة و إستخدامها على الفلاشة باستخدام برنامج Rufus .
ميزات برنامج COMSS Boot USB:
– مناسب للتخلص من الفيروسات الجديدة وغير المعروفة
– القضاء على الفيروسات وبرامج التجسس الخطيرة في النظام
– قابل للنسخ على أقراص USB ويستخدم في مجموعة متنوعة من أنظمة الكمبيوتر
– امتلاك مجموعة متنوعة من أدوات إصلاح النظام ومكافحة الفيروسات
امتلاك أقراص تمهيد AVG و Avira و Comodo و Dr.Web و ESET
و F-Secure و Kaspersky و Norton و Tencent و Windows Defender
Antivirus Utilities:
Antivirus Live CD 33.2-0.102.2 (2020, zk1234) – Console anti-virus scanner ClamAV.
Avira Rescue System (2020-06-24, Avira) –
Ubuntu OS with Avira antivirus scanner, file manager,
web browser, Gparted, RegEdit. Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Comodo Rescue Disk (2013-04-16, Comodo) –
Linux OS with Comodo antivirus scanner, file manager and web browser.
Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Dr.Web LiveDisk (2020-06-23, Doctor Web) –
Linux OS with Dr.Web anti-virus scanner, file manager and web browser.
Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
ESET SysRescue (2019-06-07, ESET) –
Linux OS with ESET antivirus scanner, file manager, web browser,
Gparted. Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
F-Secure Rescue CD (2014-09-01, F-Secure) –
F-Secure Antivirus Scanner. Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Kaspersky Rescue Disk (2020-06-2, Kaspersky Lab) –
Linux OS with Kaspersky antivirus scanner, file manager,
web browser, RegEdit. Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool (2020-03-31, Symantec) –
Linux OS with Norton antivirus scanner, file manager and web browser.
Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Sophos Bootable (2020-06-2, Sophos) – Sophos Antivirus Scanner.
Tencent Rescue Disk (2017-05-17, Tencent) –
Linux OS with Tencent antivirus scanner, file manager, web browser, RegEdit, FixMBR.
Windows Defender Offline (2020-06-2, Microsoft) –
Antivirus scanner Windows Defender Offline.
Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
HDD / SSD Utilities
AOMEI Backupper 4.0.3 (2017, AOMEI) – Backup and restore.
Darik’s Boot and Nuke 2.3.0 (2015, dban.org) – Erase data.
DFSee 16.6 (2020, Jan van Wijk) – Work with hard disk partitions.
DiskCheck 4.3.0 (2013, Miray Software) – Testing hard drives.
DiskGenius (2019, Eassos Technology) –
Work with hard drive partitions from manufacturers.
GParted 1.1.0-1-i686 (2020, gparted.org) –
Work with hard disk partitions (create, modify, delete).
HDAT2 7.0 (2020, CBL) – Testing and diagnostics of hard drives.
HDClone 9 Free Edition 9.6.1 (2019, Miray Software) –
A program for creating backup copies and
from physical and logical drives.
HDD Regenerator (2011, Dmitriy Primochenko) – Diagnostics and repair of hard drives.
Hitachi Feature Tool 2.16 (2009, Hitachi) – Working with Hitachi hard drives.
Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.16 (2009, Hitachi) – Hitachi Drive Testing.
MHDD32 4.6 (2005, Dmitry Postrigan) – Low-level analysis of the hard disk.
Partition-Saving 4.60 (2019, Damien Guibouret) – Work with disks and partitions.
PhotoRec 7.2 (2019, Christofer Grenier) – Data Recovery.
SeaTools Bootable v2.1.2 (2018, Seagate Technology) –
Diagnostics of Seagate, LaCie, Maxtor,
Samsung drives and hard drives made by other manufacturers.
SeaTools for DOS 2.23 (2011, Seagate Technology) –
Working with SeaGate hard drives.
TestDisk 7.2 (2019, Christofer Grenier) – Testing disks.
Victoria 3.52с (2005, Sergey Kazansky) – Check the hard disk for errors.
WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostics 5.27 (2016, Western Digital) –
Diagnostics of Western Digital hard drives.
Diagnostic Utilities:
ASTRA 6.70 (2019, Sysinfo Lab) – Obtaining computer hardware information.
CHZ Monitor-Test 2.0 (2009, CHZ-Soft) – Testing the monitor.
CPU Identification utility 1.26 (2017, Jan Steunebrink) – Processor Information
Hardware Detection Tool 0.5.2 (List of PCI ID’s 2020-05-29) –
Obtaining information about the computer hardware.
HWiNFO 6.1.1 (2020, HWiNFO) –
Obtaining information about the computer hardware.
Intel Processor Identification Utility 5.30 (2015, Intel) –
Intel Processor Information and Authenticity
Memtest86 + 5.01 (2013, PassMark) –
Check RAM for errors.
Nokia Monitor Test 1.0a (1995, Nokia) and 1.2 (2002, Rytnikov Vecheslav) –
Monitor testing.
Video Memory Stress Test 1.21 (2008, Misha Cherkes) –
Video memory diagnostic utility.
Windows Memory Diagnostic 0.4 (2003, Microsoft) –
A utility for diagnosing RAM.
Other utilities:
Offline NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 Password Changer
(2014, Petter Nordahl-Hagen)
– Reset passwords for Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 operating systems.
FreeDOS 1.2 Installer (freedos.org) – installing FreeDOS OS
تحميل اسطوانة الانقاذ COMSS Boot USB
والعديد من برامج الصيانة ومكافحات الفايروسات

full version 5.9 GB
Lite Version 2.1 GB
COMSS Boot USB 2021.05 Lite.rar [

الحل الأمثل و الأسرع لفحص أجهزة الكومبيوتر و اللابتوب و صيانتها .
توفر العديد من برامج الصيانة و الأنتى فيرس الشهيرة التى تستطيع
من خلالها القضاء على جميع الفيروسات والكشف عن الأخطاء و إصلاحها .
كما تحتوى على أدوات و برامج لفحص و تقسيم الهارد HDD و SDD
و أيضاً أدوات إختبار الذاكرة و معرفة جميع المعلومات عن مكونات الجهاز .
يمكنك حرق الأسطوانة و إستخدامها على الفلاشة باستخدام برنامج Rufus .
ميزات برنامج COMSS Boot USB:
– مناسب للتخلص من الفيروسات الجديدة وغير المعروفة
– القضاء على الفيروسات وبرامج التجسس الخطيرة في النظام
– قابل للنسخ على أقراص USB ويستخدم في مجموعة متنوعة من أنظمة الكمبيوتر
– امتلاك مجموعة متنوعة من أدوات إصلاح النظام ومكافحة الفيروسات
امتلاك أقراص تمهيد AVG و Avira و Comodo و Dr.Web و ESET
و F-Secure و Kaspersky و Norton و Tencent و Windows Defender
Antivirus Utilities:
Antivirus Live CD 33.2-0.102.2 (2020, zk1234) – Console anti-virus scanner ClamAV.
Avira Rescue System (2020-06-24, Avira) –
Ubuntu OS with Avira antivirus scanner, file manager,
web browser, Gparted, RegEdit. Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Comodo Rescue Disk (2013-04-16, Comodo) –
Linux OS with Comodo antivirus scanner, file manager and web browser.
Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Dr.Web LiveDisk (2020-06-23, Doctor Web) –
Linux OS with Dr.Web anti-virus scanner, file manager and web browser.
Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
ESET SysRescue (2019-06-07, ESET) –
Linux OS with ESET antivirus scanner, file manager, web browser,
Gparted. Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
F-Secure Rescue CD (2014-09-01, F-Secure) –
F-Secure Antivirus Scanner. Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Kaspersky Rescue Disk (2020-06-2, Kaspersky Lab) –
Linux OS with Kaspersky antivirus scanner, file manager,
web browser, RegEdit. Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool (2020-03-31, Symantec) –
Linux OS with Norton antivirus scanner, file manager and web browser.
Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
Sophos Bootable (2020-06-2, Sophos) – Sophos Antivirus Scanner.
Tencent Rescue Disk (2017-05-17, Tencent) –
Linux OS with Tencent antivirus scanner, file manager, web browser, RegEdit, FixMBR.
Windows Defender Offline (2020-06-2, Microsoft) –
Antivirus scanner Windows Defender Offline.
Supported by updating the virus database on the Internet.
HDD / SSD Utilities
AOMEI Backupper 4.0.3 (2017, AOMEI) – Backup and restore.
Darik’s Boot and Nuke 2.3.0 (2015, dban.org) – Erase data.
DFSee 16.6 (2020, Jan van Wijk) – Work with hard disk partitions.
DiskCheck 4.3.0 (2013, Miray Software) – Testing hard drives.
DiskGenius (2019, Eassos Technology) –
Work with hard drive partitions from manufacturers.
GParted 1.1.0-1-i686 (2020, gparted.org) –
Work with hard disk partitions (create, modify, delete).
HDAT2 7.0 (2020, CBL) – Testing and diagnostics of hard drives.
HDClone 9 Free Edition 9.6.1 (2019, Miray Software) –
A program for creating backup copies and
from physical and logical drives.
HDD Regenerator (2011, Dmitriy Primochenko) – Diagnostics and repair of hard drives.
Hitachi Feature Tool 2.16 (2009, Hitachi) – Working with Hitachi hard drives.
Hitachi Drive Fitness Test 4.16 (2009, Hitachi) – Hitachi Drive Testing.
MHDD32 4.6 (2005, Dmitry Postrigan) – Low-level analysis of the hard disk.
Partition-Saving 4.60 (2019, Damien Guibouret) – Work with disks and partitions.
PhotoRec 7.2 (2019, Christofer Grenier) – Data Recovery.
SeaTools Bootable v2.1.2 (2018, Seagate Technology) –
Diagnostics of Seagate, LaCie, Maxtor,
Samsung drives and hard drives made by other manufacturers.
SeaTools for DOS 2.23 (2011, Seagate Technology) –
Working with SeaGate hard drives.
TestDisk 7.2 (2019, Christofer Grenier) – Testing disks.
Victoria 3.52с (2005, Sergey Kazansky) – Check the hard disk for errors.
WD Data Lifeguard Diagnostics 5.27 (2016, Western Digital) –
Diagnostics of Western Digital hard drives.
Diagnostic Utilities:
ASTRA 6.70 (2019, Sysinfo Lab) – Obtaining computer hardware information.
CHZ Monitor-Test 2.0 (2009, CHZ-Soft) – Testing the monitor.
CPU Identification utility 1.26 (2017, Jan Steunebrink) – Processor Information
Hardware Detection Tool 0.5.2 (List of PCI ID’s 2020-05-29) –
Obtaining information about the computer hardware.
HWiNFO 6.1.1 (2020, HWiNFO) –
Obtaining information about the computer hardware.
Intel Processor Identification Utility 5.30 (2015, Intel) –
Intel Processor Information and Authenticity
Memtest86 + 5.01 (2013, PassMark) –
Check RAM for errors.
Nokia Monitor Test 1.0a (1995, Nokia) and 1.2 (2002, Rytnikov Vecheslav) –
Monitor testing.
Video Memory Stress Test 1.21 (2008, Misha Cherkes) –
Video memory diagnostic utility.
Windows Memory Diagnostic 0.4 (2003, Microsoft) –
A utility for diagnosing RAM.
Other utilities:
Offline NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 Password Changer
(2014, Petter Nordahl-Hagen)
– Reset passwords for Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 operating systems.
FreeDOS 1.2 Installer (freedos.org) – installing FreeDOS OS
تحميل اسطوانة الانقاذ COMSS Boot USB
والعديد من برامج الصيانة ومكافحات الفايروسات

full version 5.9 GB
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تسجيل الدخول
تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
Lite Version 2.1 GB
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تسجيل الدخول
تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
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تسجيل الدخول
تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي
COMSS Boot USB 2021.05 Lite.rar [
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تسجيل لمشاهدة الرابط المخفي